In 2024 I was still in my Greek mythology reading era (I think I will stay here for some time) so it will be no surprise that most of my top reads were Greek myth retellings, but not all for a change!
I read 24 books in 2024, with a mix of Greek Mythology and Thriller, plus 1 or2 fantasy novels too. My top reads in no particular order (noting that any links are affiliate so I get a little commission if you purchase through them):

Daughters of Olympus by Hannah Lynn
Absolutely loved this Demeter + Persephone retelling. LOVE IT, LOVE PERSEPHONE IN THIS, so happy to read so much about Demeter, was incredibly sad to finish this one actually, possibly will reread (or listen as this was an audiobook for me) in 2025.
Yellowface by Rebecca F Kuang
I picked this up in York from the amazing little bookshop Criminally Good Books. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to Rebecca speak at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, and am so glad I finally picked this one up. It was gripping, interesting, thoughtful and kept me captivated. I couldn't wait to chat about it so ended up getting my flatmate to read it too!
The Amber Fury by Natalie Haynes
Contemporary fiction with a sprinkle of Greek Myth - I loved this novel. It was nice to pick something up other than a retelling, and inspired me to try remember to diversify my reading genre a little.
Medea by Rosie Hewlett
This was a stunning book - I loved this retelling as I really think Medea is often villainised but I loved how Rosie Hewlett handled the Jason + Medea dynamic and really encompassed the complexity of Medea as a character.
The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon
This book was gifted to me and I am so thankful for that, she thought it would be right up my alley and it was! It took me a while to get into it as it was a big shift back into a fantasy world and getting used to the different characters, but I really enjoyed it, and have got A Day of Fallen Night on my TBR for 2025.
Clytemnestra by Costanza Casati
I found this book hard to stop reading (or listening too - again, an audiobook for me). I think this captures Clytemnestra's fury so well, will likely read again in 2025 as I think it is such a well thought out retelling.
The End Crowns All by Bea Fitzgerald
Sapphic, YA, humorous. I really enjoyed this version of Helen of Troy, it's something I know I would have LOVED as a teen, so I am so glad that young adults today get to experience Bea Fitzgerald's YA retellings.
Odyssey by Stephen Fry
I love Stephen Fry's retellings but actually this is my least favourite of his, maybe because I think Stephen Fry really likes Odysseus and maybe glosses over some of the more negative aspects I'd want to see explored more. But that being said I still really enjoyed it, the Odyssey has some great stories and Stephen Fry's self narration audiobook is always enjoyable.
The Wolf Den by Elodie Harper
I loved this! I didn’t re-read the blurb when I started listening to the audiobook (had it in my TBR for a while) so that was fun not remembering what it was about, immediately started the second, enjoyable historical fiction! Greek myth adjacent instead of a retelling. Came highly recommended and I see why.
Hera by Jennifer Saint
I finally whittled down my 'book of the year' and it ended up being Hera! I loved this book, I loved the expansive time period, and getting the understanding of Hera's position and motivations was just *chefs kiss* And the cover is 10/10 (even though again, an audiobook for me). I have loved every book Jennifer Saint has written but I think this is her best work yet.
And onwards to 2025 reading!